Thursday, February 2, 2012

What this blog is about....

I just recently returned home from being away for business in Jonesboro, Arkansas.  While in the airport, I started to think about all the things I learned while I was away.  I instantly grabbed my phone and used the "notepad" application to start recording what I had learned.  After I read through my notes, I thought; "wouldn't it be great to start a journal to keep track of all this stuff?"  Ha- I have never been good about keeping a journal or a diary- but there is one thing I have grown to enjoy, and that is blogging.  Blogging is an online journal right?  So I thought- why not start a blog about things that I learn or discover on a day to day basis?  I have always thought of myself as extremely observant, and touched by my surroundings, and what better way to keep track of these observations than to write them down.  So that is what this blog is about- my recordings of the things I come across in daily life.  Some days I am sure I will have really profound things to say (ha- right) while other days might just be a ramble of my findings, failings, and experiences as an individual.  Either way- I think it will be therapeutic to get this stuff on paper- even if it is "virtual online paper."   I often have a hard time expressing myself verbally, but I seem to be able to express myself through writing... so for me I am using this blog as a forum to express my thoughts, feelings, opinions, and findings of everyday life.

Okay- so what did I learn while away in Jonesboro, AK?  Below is what I recorded on my notepad:

Things I've Learned in Jonesboro:
1- Happiness, hope, and passion are everywhere as long as I am willing to see it.
2- I miss my kids more than I have ever missed anything or anyone in my entire life- they are my home, and I am homesick.
3- Airports motivate me.  I feel like they are a place where people from all walks of life collide, and it is a great equalizer of all mankind.  Everyone has to go through security, everyone has to follow proper protocol no matter how wealthy, important, or arrogant one is... I often feel like I can do or be anyone when in an airport.  I feel like I can talk to anyone, even people I would usually be intimidated by- like the man in first class wearing a rolex...  
4- I can't control things when I am not there- let it go Lauren let it go...
5- Everyone has a story- all you gotta do is ask.
6- Stories inspire me.
7- People are a lot braver than one could imagine.

From One Soul to Another- PEACE!

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