Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hair changes things.

 You know that feeling after you just get a hair cut, and it is the first time you wash it yourself in the shower... The feeling that somehow by cutting off the dead ends you are all of a sudden refreshed, healthier, and hopefully a little more attractive?  Or the feeling when you get a bad haircut, or better yet -you decide it would be more cost efficient to dye it yourself because well- how hard an it be?  Only to find yourself staring in the mirror at an awful shade of ashy blue/blond and three boxes of used hair dye kicking yourself for not just paying a professional?  Or the feeling you get when you see a cancer patient who has lost there hair- it evokes an emotion. It is like a war wound meaning so much more than just hair... Or even more devastating when you see a child surviving cancer without hair... It makes your heart bleed.  And you you think, no child should have to endure that battle. It becomes more than hair.
Hair can tell us so much.  Think about it, when we are babies a lot of us start off bald, then it grows and it changes through you life.  I used to have perfectly straight hair, but when I hit puberty I got a frizzy curl thing going on, then when I was pregnant back to the straight... Now I am starting to spot grays...   It is constantly changing....

Well I guess it is obvious, this past week I have been thinking a lot about hair.  I took the boys to get their first haircut.  It was really long overdue.  They are 18 months old, and Austin's hair has been in his eyes for months.  The actual process of getting their hair cut is a story in itself which I will save for their blog, but the aftermath is what taught me that hair changes everything.  It is like all of a sudden I have boys... not babies, hardly toddlers, but real boys. They look mature and boyish, and well as a mom I think one of the hardest things is to let go.   Maybe that is why I have been holding off on getting their haircut for so long, I didn't want to let go of their babyhood.  When you have a baby you spend everyday thinking about their growth. When they are newborns you see a doctor almost weekly to make sure they are growing physically at an adequate rate, when they are a little older you worry if they are developmentally growing, and emotionally growing, and socially growing... All this worry about growth then to cut off something that is growing- well it just seems a bit counterproductive.

Yes, I know I am making a big deal about their hair, but it has changed things.  It has changed my perspective of my lil men... I think I realized that one day in the near future they are actually going to be lil men.

From one soul to another,
Snip snip

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