Sunday, February 5, 2012

Self humility is all you need for a good laugh!

 This past Saturday I took a class at the gym, Athletic Conditioning.  It was my second week in a row taking it so I knew what to expect... Intense circuit training all lead by a crazy little man, Blaise.  Blaise is the kind of instructor who is loud, explosive, and not afraid to call you out when you don't give every exercise your best effort.  Oh and on top of it, I swear he drinks about 40 cups of coffee before coming to teach back to back classes every Saturday morning.  Last week as we were running up and down the gym stairs, the lady next me said she was going to throw up because it was so hard.  I was right there with her, choking back vomit, and trying to avoid Blaise's criticisms of how slowly I was climbing the stairs...  

Despite the intense torture, I returned today.  I was ready! Ready for it all... The yelling, the criticism, the feeling of my body shutting down as I desperately tried to keep going... Bring it on Blaise! I was armed with an extra cup of coffee,and a good nights rest.  Class was going really well.  Blaise even complimented my form during squats!  I was on a high! I was strong and plowed right through class feeling like the queen of the world- Blaise complimented my squats- hell ya!  It wasn't until he put on the slow cool down music (Michael Jackson- Man in the Mirror-great song) that I realized my humility.  I had a huge tear in the back of my yoga pants.  The kind of tear that you could clearly see my underwear.  I was so focused perfecting my squatting form, I didn't realize the draft.  Awesome.  At that point there was nothing left to do but laugh...  Laugh at my self for taking the class so seriously all while my underpants were showing!  Haha... Even now As I type this I can't help but to giggle.  It was a great reminder to stop taking life so seriously, and laugh- even if it is at yourself... Oh and it was also a reminder to buy new workout gear!

From one soul to another,



  1. Have you taken class with Blaise's "evil sister" Kim? She rocked as well. :) They are both tiny but when the music is on, they change into those huge monsters that you just HAVE to listen :) Laugh is good :)

  2. Not yet Marta- but I will look into it! I miss you! Your lil one is just precious!

  3. Haha! Sorry this happened to you, but glad you have the ability to laugh at yourself. :D
