Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's okay to cry...

 A few different stories have lead me to today's finding; "It's okay to cry.". However, the one that sticks with me the most happened this fall, when the boys and I joined a toddler music class.  The class was held weekly, every Friday.  It was the second week of class and the boys were running wild throughout the open auditorium the class was held in. Their was a woman there with her two small sons. The older out the two, who was about 3, was also running wild throughout the auditorium and managed to trip another unsuspicious toddler.   The woman, who was carrying her newborn son in a moby wrap on her chest, just crumbled into her hands and started to tear up.  I noticed her because I was tracking her son with my eyes who was running along with my two monkeys.  I,myself, had just choked down tears on the ride over to music class that morning when both boys decided to scream and cry the entire ride.  When I saw her put her face in her hand, it was my instant reaction to go and put my arms around her.  "I just don't know why he misbehaves," she said.  I, knowing exactly what she was feeling, replied, " you know I've thought the same thing and my two lil men, and it's okay to cry.". There it was out of my own mouth, an acceptance of my own vulnerability; tears.  You know what, she buried her head in my shoulder, even if only for a brief moment, and cried.  Good for her.

As women, we are so fearful to let ourselves cry.  We have to be everything to everyone: a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend... it is hard and we are so hard on ourselves on top of it all... And we forget WE ARE STRONG... tears and all.   There are times in everyone's life where showing vulnerability and raw emotion are true sign of strength, and you know what... It's okay to cry. 

From one soul to another,


1 comment:

  1. Amen.
    I had a situation when I went to a playground and a little boy (around 1 or so, fell of the play-place. His mom was there but she let him explore a little and it just happened. A person (a mother or a nanny) sitting on a bench started laughing. Laughing at another mom is not ok. Laughing at other mom crying is even worse!
    I do cry more than I thought I would since giving a birth.
