Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Learning how to make lemonade...

You know that age old adage, "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade"?  Well I need to work on my lemonade making skills. 

 I think we, as humans are pretty amazing. We can accomplish so much. We handle tragedy gracefully, with dignity, and pride.   One of the reasons I started this blog, and I wrote in my first blog entry is, "people inspire me." It's true. I am inspired daily by peoples courage, determination, strong beliefs and values, and optimism... People are amazing able to handle so much... But why is it the little things, "the lemons" that taste so sour?

A few days ago, I missed a flight to Florida where I was going for a much needed girls weekend. It was my stupid fault, I showed up at the airport a mere 15 minutes before my plane was scheduled to take off.  I woke up late, couldn't find my husbands car keys, took longer than expected to get to the airport... you know the whole stream of events that makes you late. The gate agent took pity on me, and gladly booked me for another flight at no additional cost. I returned home, spent a few hours with the boys, and headed back to the airport... Only to realize my debit card was missing. Several phone calls to the bank, husband, and every place I shopped at the day before, I concluded my card was gone. By this time, I was in full on anxiety/stress mode; high blood pressure, heart racing, shortness of breath, stressed out! I was so annoyed with my own stupidity and crappy luck I could have lost it!

You know, I am not always the best under pressure, but I do consider myself pretty resilient... I mean I bounced back after birthing twins with much less stress and anxiety than my current situation.
I don't think I'm alone either... I have watched my husband stay even keeled and steady through multiple million dollar negotiations with work, but freak out over traffic... I have seen grown men cry over losing a football game, I have seen people  yell at complete strangers at a movie theater for butting in line.  It just amazes me... I mean if it is just lemons-small, insignificant, things,  why is it to hard to swallow? It just amazes me how when it's the big things in life we deal so well, so gracefully, so dignified, but the little things cause us to crack. 

So while my day was still filled with stress and anxiety, I made it to Florida and had an awesome time.  In the end, I was able to look back at the days events and realize they were just lemons.  However in the heat of the moment, I learned lemons are really hard to swallow. 

From one soul to another

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