Thursday, March 22, 2012

Everyone has a Battle to Fight...

 I often look at other people, and think "man- if only I could run as fast as her" or "have her hair" or "drive that car" or "live in that house" or "have her confidence" or "have his intelligence" my life would be so much better. 

You know, I think it is human nature to judge one another.  We are constantly trying to put our "best foot forward" to impress one another.  I see it often.  I do it myself.  I will see a mom with kids similar in age to my two monkeys, just breeze into our music class, make-up perfect, wearing a cardigan and pearls... and I think, gosh- she is amazing, how the hell does she look so calm, so relaxed, and able to get dressed and out the door to a music class at 9:15am.  There are some days I sit in the same class, and wonder if I even remembered to brush my teeth!  My instant reaction is to judge.  I judge without even knowing I am judging.  I think, "well she must have a live in nanny, or a stay-at home husband to help her in the morning." I instantly get jealous, and insecure with my own choice of clothes (which rarely includes a cardigan).  I think, gosh she must think I am a mess.  Then I begin to judge her judging me- without even speaking to her.  It is awful to admit.   I watch as my lil monkeys innocent, so non-judgemental, so pure... and I am jolted back into reality, and reminded of what is important.

You know, I am the type of person who puts myself out there.  I wear my heart on my sleeve at all times.  I have no filter.  I am very honest with myself about my insecurities, my vulnerabilities, hell- I even publish it for you all to read.  But I know not everyone is like me.  People are strong.  They walk around with problems- problems I can't even imagine or understand.  I said it before, and I will say it again, people inspire me.  Just recently I was told that a friend of mine, who appears to be like one of those momma's who has it all together, is currently battling something.  Something that I cannot explain in this forum, but it is going to take a lot to beat.  I was shocked.  Unbeknownst to the world around her was preparing for a battle.  In fact she was preparing for her battle rather quietly and bravely as to not disrupt her sweet lil girl's life.  She is strong, and inspiring.

When she shared her secret with me, I was shocked.  It made me  realize I need to stop being so judgemental, and start being grateful.  Grateful for what I do have which is so much.  I need to stop thinking that things are always what they seem, and start realizing what Plato so eloquently said, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is is fighting a hard battle."

From one Soul to Another,
Be Kind

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