Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Momma said there be days like these...

This week started off with a lemon... I lost my wallet.   For anyone who has ever lost their wallet they know it is a pain.  Not a tragedy, just a pain... but like a lot of lemons in life- it can be a bit overwhelming.  You don't even realize how many important things you hold in your wallet until it is gone.  After spending hours on the phone with my bank, credit card companies, health insurance companies, DMV, etc, etc, etc... I finally accepted the reality that I will be up and running again in 7-10 business days. The silver lining is,  I was issued a temporary, printed-off drivers license-so I am not driving illegally. Oh joy. 

Well since the wallet debacle, things really seem to be piling up... little things- nothing extreme- a little annoyance here, and there... but it was enough to take the wind out of my sails, and make me snap.  (Why is it that things always seem to to happen in a series- one thing goes wrong, then another, and another?)  Unfortunately the men in my life they happened to be in my line of fire.  I yelled, stomped, and scared Ty to the point where I swear he wouldn't look at me for a while.  I try not to yell often in front of my monkeys- so I think it took him by surprise.   Then- the guilt set in... and the guilt trip... "I'm a bad mom, I can't manage things, I have too much on my plate, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to overreact, etc, etc."  I called my husband to apologize.  I apologized to my mom and sister who happened to witness my freak out.  I apologized to my little men- who graciously forgave me after a few fruit snacks.  I apologized, and apologized.  

After my rounds of apologies, I was still feeling guilty for my behavior... to which I ask myself- why?  Why do I feel so guilty?  I had a bad day.  It is okay.  People have bad days...I had a bad day, and I needed to yell.  It is okay.  I know it wasn't the best most mature way to deal with the stress, but you know what- IT IS OKAY TO YELL EVERY NOW AND THEN!!!!

People need to vent.  They call it venting for a reason- you are letting off some steam- so you don't blow.  Yelling and stomping was my vent, and guess what... I felt better.  So- the lesson I learned is that every now and then, it is okay to yell, stomp, and blow off steam.  We are human, and by accepting that we are not perfect, and we lose our tempers every now and then, it just may help it happen less.

From One Soul to Another:)

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